About Liz Cleaver
My interest and expertise in higher education has built over three decades, starting as far back as my PhD (Lancaster, 1997) which explored ‘town and gown’ interactions in residential areas of a university city.
During my early career, I researched and taught in universities with contrasting histories and missions - Sunderland, Newcastle, Northumbria, Southampton and Portsmouth - until 2001 when I began a seven year stint as a senior evaluation and research lead at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER).
Since 2011 I’ve held a series of higher education leadership roles including Director of Curriculum Development and Teaching Enhancement (University of Hull), University Director of Learning and Teaching (UWE, Bristol) and Pro-vice Chancellor Education and Digital (Buckinghamshire New University).
I hold a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and in 2014 became a ‘Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy’ (PFHEA) in recognition of my sustained record of effective strategic leadership of teaching and learning in higher education. In 2016 I was awarded a personal chair in learning and teaching by UWE, Bristol.
Since moving into consultancy work, I have continued my close connections with higher education through Visiting Professorships at the University of Westminster, UWE Bristol, Buckinghamshire New University, and Southampton Solent University.