Research, Evaluation and Consultancy
As a researcher, with extensive experience in qualitative research and evaluation, I can support you in finding and analysing evidence to answer the ubiquitous ‘so what?’ question – particularly where metrics simply can’t provide the answer.
With many examples of multi-agency and stakeholder project work and delivery under my belt, I can support clients to see things differently, to find solutions to outstanding problems, and to take their strategic goals forward.
Example Projects
Higher Technical Qualifications - application and approval
Project Funder - Gatsby Foundation
Consultancy Role - Commissioned to undertake qualitative research with early adopter providers who have successfully gained the HTQ quality kitemark for their Level 4 and 5 courses.
Girls Go Circular: Curriculum Framework Development and Implementation
Project Funder - EIT Raw Materials
Consultancy Role - Commissioned to develop a new curriculum design framework for Girls Go Circular courses, and to support subject experts in the development of new curriculum and resources.
Developing a Quality Assurance System for Non-degree Education & Skills Training
Project Funder - EIT Urban Mobility
Consultancy Role - Commissioned to create a proof-of-concept quality assurance process for training providers seeking an European quality kitemark for their CPD courses in the area of Urban Mobility.
Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) Submission
Project Funder - UK University
Consultancy Role - Commissioned to support and advise on the collation of evidence for and to undertake the writing of the 2023 institutional submission - which was awarded TEF Gold.
Degree Apprenticeships in England: current practices in design, delivery & quality management
Project Funder - Office for Students (OfS)
Consultancy Role - Commissioned to undertake qualitative research to explore degree apprenticeship stakeholders’ views on ‘well-designed’ and ‘high-quality’ provision and to explore how universities were using and/or adapting internal quality management processes for this purpose.
Example Consultancy Artifacts and Dissemination
- Cleaver, E. (forthcoming, 2025) Navigating and building higher technical qualifications: experiences of early adopter providers in England. Gatsby Foundation.
- Rowley, D. & Cleaver, E. (2024) Beyond apprenticeships: decoding and progressing technical education opportunities in England from Levels 2 to 5. UVAC@25 Concept Paper No.5.
- Cleaver, E. & Smart, F. (2022) Evidencing Value: Beyond the Metrics. Members’ toolkit for identifying and evidencing of the value of institutional ‘intangible assets.’ UK Quality Assurance Agency.
Cleaver, E. (2022) Degree apprenticeships in England: current practices in design, delivery and quality management. Report for the Office for Students and Department for Education.
Cleaver, E. (2022) Teaching and Learning Centres: Insights from the International Sector. A rapid review and briefing paper prepared for Hussein Technical University and the British Council, Jordan.
McLinden, M. & Cleaver, E. (2021) Embedding Inclusivity in Subject Benchmark Statements: guidance for panel chairs and advisory panel training materials. UK Quality Assurance Agency.
Cleaver, E. & McLinden M. (2021) A Launch Pad for Future Success: Using outcomes-based approaches to scaffold the pandemic year and build for the future. What Matters, What Works, What’s Next? Findings from our Sector Survey and Reflection Planning and Resource Collection. QAA Membership Resources.
Smart, S., Cleaver, E. and Robertson, R. (2020) Beyond the metrics: the importance of intangible assets in the HE context. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. 8 (2)